Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bloom's Taxonomy                                      Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
Bloom's TaxonomyBloom's Revised Taxonomy

     SCRATCH!! An online program that lets you create and share your own interactive stories, projects, games, music, and art can be an excellent resource for teachers, who are looking for new, engaging ways to help their students learn. This program lets students create their own projects by piecing together pre written codes. It's fun, different and can be a great alternative for teachers who are looking to get the most out of their students.
Check out one for yourself:

     This program does an excellent job at exercising students high order thinking skills. Students are not learning knowledge to simply regurgitate it on a test, but rather applying and create fun and innovative projects that puts the responsibility in the hands out the students. In this case the child is organizing and producing their own authentic pieces of work.

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