Saturday, January 7, 2012

Reflection: Scott McLeod Coordinator of the Educational Administration program at Iowa State University

In this article, Scott McLeod the Coordinator of the Educational Administration program at the University of Iowa presents his presents his argument about the use of technology in schools to the Ames, IA school board. McLeod not only has much expertise in this field, but when he heard that the district where his three children attend school was hiring a new superintendent and principal he felt his obligated to give his opinion on what type of candidate would effectively fill the position. McLeod argues that technology is taking over society and the job market is catering to those with these specific skills. He states that while many other sectors in society have changed to meet these new requirements, education and schools have not adapted properly and at a fast enough pace to keep up with this increasingly technological world. McLeod stresses to the school board that it is necessary to hire someone with adequate background knowledge and skills in the area of technology, to provide the students of this school district with the necessary skills to be successful in the future. 

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