Friday, January 20, 2012

Is the Educational System out of Sync with Today's Technology?

           In chapter four and five of Collins and Halverson’s book titled, “Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology” they bring up song interesting points about he history of schooling in America and new ways of providing education to the youth of America.
            Is today’s world out of sync with the technological world we live in today, the authors of this book would argue that point. The authors have brought up some interesting ways of helping problem. In these chapters they are not necessarily talking about actual practices teacher could bring about in their classroom, but bring up some excellent cases in which technology has been used to benefit learners.
            Privately owned learning centers have been become popular in recent years to fill the gaps in the existing educational system. The authors made a good point about how one district hired a private learning center to provide extra after school support and tutoring for its students. If the teachers in the district are not providing their students with what they need, it’s imperative to achieve results from where ever possible and now learning centers are being called upon to help. I can personally say that learning centers have helped me. In high school I attended a SAT prep course at Kaplan, which I believe helped my final score on the test.
            Online Universities are also another way that technology has tried to help improve education. I personally am not an advocate for online universities. I believe higher learning should be done at universities or college campuses, where students have to interact and learn from each other. You are losing that peer to peer learning network when you are learning at home by yourself. But, to go against everything I said, results have shown that there is a place for these types of communities, particularly for professionals looking to advance their degrees and who do not have the time to go to a university campus.

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