Friday, January 13, 2012

Khan's Academy

This was actually my first time on Khan's Academy, I was surprised to see the amount of lessons and different subjects they covered on this website. After examining and testing some of the different topics and their activities I had a mixed opinion on this site. I found some useful places for this website, but also found places where I did not think this would benefit the student.

The time where I personally would use this tool and where I think it would benefit students the most, was if a students missed a class or a series of classes. If the student was absent they would be able to use these informative videos to educate themselves on the topic. In my opinion it will not be as effective as the actually teacher teaching it, but nonetheless rather then the teacher focusing on one student too much they are able to assign these videos to get the student caught up.

If a teacher is using this to teach an actually lesson in their class I personally don't see that as a good or effective model to use. In that case the teacher is just being lazy. Its their job to teach, not to put on a video to teach for them.

Some of the videos come with practice it yourself activities, which can be very helpful for the student to help learn and grasp the concept. Some of the lessons on Khan's Academy like all of the history lessons do not have this link.

Khan's Academy does have a place in education, but must be used with caution and used in the correct situations.

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